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@TownofStAndrews – how do I love thee? This video shows 1000 ways #travel #SeeNewBrunswick #ExploreCanada

New Brunswick is an inside job. Those of us from there return frequently. We bring family and friends. That’s most of the tourism.

The rest of the world considers our little corner of Canada a drive-through on the way to Maine or Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia or Quebec. I hope that you’ll at least take a moment to watch the video above to see what’s NOT right in front of all those drivers on our highways.

We insiders are quite smug. We’ve had a lifetime to tootle off on spontaneous detours, troll the waterways and drive the ridgeways of this densely forested, fertile valleyed, and largely coastal province. We are quite content to keep our bit of paradise to ourselves.

But then again, if you did decide to STOP and enjoy our province with us, we’d be okay with that too. It does keep our loved ones employed.

This video happens to be of my hometown, St. Andrews-by-the-Sea, New Brunswick. There’s no special effects, it really is this stunningly beautiful.

Gotta go. Need to call home. Suddenly missing the people who taught me to savour it all.

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