Indian Food and the Families Behind it in Calgary

Dhal Bat - a multi-dish meal from The Himalayan restaurant in Calgary
Dhal Bat from The Himalayan by Jared Sych – Avenue Magazine Calgary

For this month’s Avenue Magazine – Calgary, I had the delight of writing two freelance pieces on one of my favourite topics: Indian food and where to find it in our city. And, even better, I got to interview some of the key families behind the best Indian restaurants and share their stories.

I spent several evenings in late July, traversing the city’s trails so my taste buds could verify the authenticity and quality of the myriad of masalas, curries, dosas, naans, dom biryannis, chettiyar cuisine, kebabs, dals, bhajias and burfis on offer. I came home with bags of leftovers, squeezed them into a bulging refrigerator, loosened my belt and sat at my desktop. Off I went again. This time I was chewing through the words needed to meet my deadline. Research and writing are done with the same vigour when excellence in eating is the common denominator connecting them.  I hope you enjoy the results.

These are the people behind some of the city’s best Indian restaurants:  5 Families Influencing Calgary’s Indian Food Scene

Check out one of these restaurants when you’re craving the flavours of North, South or East Indian cuisine: Source: Where to Eat Indian Food in Calgary 

All photos for this post are used with permission from Avenue Magazine – Calgary.


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